IXM Perú SA (former subsidiary of the multinational Louis Dreyfus Company and merchandiser of commodities) had decided to increase its presence in the port of Callao and expand its mineral warehouse. The project "Modification of the Detailed Environmental Impact Study of the LDC Concentrated Warehouse" has just been approved by Senace (Servicio Nacional de Certificacion Ambiental).
IXM had to wait four years for the project to be approved and had to overcome various obstacles: the long process began in October 2016. IXM received a first approval of the specific terms of reference in February 2017, then initiated the process of evaluation and accompaniment by Senace for the review of the components of the study, and in March 2019, presented its final evaluation. However, in October of that year the environmental certification body (DEAR) rejected the study.
Recently, on June 11, resolution No. 00037-2020-SENACE / PE declared founded the appeal filed by IXM Peru to revoke Resolution No. 012-2020-SENACE-PE / DEAR and Report No. 031- 2020-SENACEPE / DEAR, and therefore approved the project.
As a result, IXM has the green light to move forward with its expansion project in the third bulk mineral warehouse in Callao through an investment of S / 37 million. The disbursement will increase the supply in the first Peruvian port of warehouses for bulk minerals, produced mainly in the centre of the country.
"This modification implies carrying out conditioning activities in some of the existing warehouses and incorporating an additional area owned by a third party, which will be accessed by IXM through a rental agreement," the company stated in the document modifying the environmental impact study of the warehouse of mineral concentrates from its plant in Callao, presented to Senace on Friday, August 15, 2018.
IXM Peru indicated that the modification “will allow an increase of storage capacity to approximately 91,000 TMH (wet metric tons) for copper and zinc mineral concentrates and will include the storage of 21,000 TMH of lead concentrates. For the latter, encapsulation and negative pressure conditions will be generated in the warehouse areas that are destined for said purpose”. Some of IXM Peru's clients are the mining companies Volcan, El Brocal, Nexa Perú (formerly Milpo) and Chinalco, among others.
The construction and conditioning stage will be carried out in parallel to the current operation of the concentrate warehouse, and will last for 10 months, counted from the approval of the construction license. Meanwhile, the operation and maintenance stage will be for 20 years, "which will depend on market conditions and business profitability."
One of IXM's most important works will be to expand the zinc and copper storage area by 5,308 m2 on an area adjacent to the current concentrate warehouse. "In this new area, the construction of a hangar for the storage of copper and zinc concentrates, transit of units and auxiliary facilities has been contemplated," the organization revealed in its report.
IXM Perú SA is a company of the IXM holding company, which at a global level is dedicated to the commercialization of minerals and metals, competing with Trafigura and Glencore, the two mining traders that lead the global market.