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Local and representative offices addresses and contacts are listed below

All Locations
Europe, Middle East & Africa
North America
Latin America
IXM S.A. & IXM Holding S.A.
Rue de Lausanne 15
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
+41 58 611 6588
IXM S.A. ZUG Branch
Spaces – Zug Main Station
Grafenauweg 8, Office number: 48
6300 Zug, Switzerland
IXMetals Ltd.
52 Jermyn Street
London, United Kingdom on behalf of IXM SA
Infinity Towers, #69 Boulevard Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria
IXM S.A. Türkiye Istanbul Irtibat Bürosu
Atatürk Mahallesi Ertuğrul Gazi Sok.
Metropol Istanbul Sitesi
C1 Blok No.: 395 P.K. 34758 – Ataşehir
+90 216 850 5068
+90 216 850 5069
IXM Africa Pty. Ltd.
90 Rivonia Road Building
3rd Floor, North Wing
Sandton 2196
Republic of South Africa
+27 010 500 2772
IXM (Shanghai) Corporate Management Company Limited
Lujiazui Century Financial Plaza,
5 Floor, Building 5, 258 Jinkang Road,
Pudong New District, Shanghai
P.R. China 200127
+86 21 5178 2606
+86 (21) 5178 2601
IXM Beijing Metals Trading Company Limited
No. (49)03, 49F, No. 5,
Building Dongsanhuanzhonlu
Chaoyang District,
P.R. China 100027
IXM Pte. Ltd.
3 Church Street, #24-03 Samsung Hub
Singapore 049483
IXM S.A. Indonesia Rep Office
Sopo Del Office Tower A, floor 21
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10.1-6,
Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
+62 811 888 9131
IXM Trading LLC
355 Riverside Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
+1 (475) 666-0300
Avenida President Masaryk 169,
Piso 2, Interior Oficina 203, Polanco,
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
+52 (222) 225 7005
IXM Trading Peru S.A.C
Av. República de Panamá 3591
Oficina 1401,
San Isidro, zip code Lima 27
Lima, Perú
+51 1 730 6736
IXM Chile Limitada
Av. Nueva Costanera 3698, Of. 600,
7630428 Vitacura,
Región Metropolitana, Chile
+56 2 2957 4108
Bivd. Atlixcdyotl 1499
Torre A piso 3
Número Interior:
311 313 315 317 319 al 321 y 327
Col. Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl 72810
San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, Mexico
IXM Metáis Brasil Ltda.
CNPJ # 18.844.412/0001-73
Rua Américo Brasiliense, nº 1.827, Sala 03
Bairro: Chácara Santo Antônio
Sao Paulo / SP - Brasil
CEP: 04715-005